Garden Log: March 5th – March 11th
- Pruned 200 apple trees (Snowsweet, Galarina, Smoothie, Valstar)
- Harvested two tubs of spinach
- Harvest two tubs of micro lettuce greens
- Planted 26 flats of lettuce
- Transplanted tomatoes and rootstock
- Planted one flat of creeping thyme
- Planted one flat of oregano
- Planted one flat of thyme
- Transplanted sage from soil blocks to plug trays
- Painted final coat in walk-in cooler
We are already running out of room in the heated greenhouse, which is filled with herb plants and plant starts. When we first built the heated greenhouse we thought we would never be able to keep it full. Four years later we have had to be very creative to get everything to fit. We look forward to Spring so that we can start moving plants into the garden.
We had great time this Sunday brushing up on our grafting skills at Plum Creek Orchard in Swisher, Iowa. Jerry and Kazumi Fottral have been grafting heirloom and specialty apple trees for several years and invited the crew here at Buffalo Ridge Orchard to join them for the afternoon. It was a very successful day and we even managed to graft a few Holstein apple trees for our orchard.