Well, 2013 has now come and gone and we’re already almost 1/12th of the way through 2014. We’re still working our way through the last few remaining tubs of 2013 apples as we start to discuss our seed orders and planting plans for 2014. We’re sharpening our pruners to get out into the orchard and get the trees ready for another productive season, while coring, slicing, and drying more apple chips and baking up more apple butter. Apples have a way of keeping us busy throughout the year, but lately the blasts of snow and cold temperatures are keeping us inside.
But there are still some other crops that continue to survive despite the weather outside. With our moveable hoophouses we’re able to keep spinach and carrots alive, even though the soil has now frozen. We have some over-wintering crops waiting patiently as seedlings under protective coverings of plastic and snow until increasing sunlight and spring temperatures prompt them to continue their growth and productivity. And, as seen above, we even have some Belgian Endive that we’re able to keep indoors where we’re forcing new ‘chicon’ sprouts from roots that we harvested and held in storage from last fall.
Before too long, we’ll be rushing through our pruning to make sure that every tree in the orchard is ready for their spring blooms to burst forth and set fruit for the coming year. And planting and warmer weather won’t be far behind. Before we know it, or are ready for it, we’ll be back in the thick of things and heading to our summer markets once again. So we’re actually doing what we can to enjoy this wintery, blustery weather as 2013 has quickly transitioned into 2014. Hopefully you are too.