Once again the days are getting brighter, and longer, and we’re starting to think of warmth and sun and vegetables and apples! Marcus and Emma have already finished pruning the pear trees and have made good progress in the apple orchard. Vern has been busy planting the movable high tunnels and Mary is busy in the greenhouse. We all are still enjoying the last of our apples and root crops. This is the perfect time to sign up for one our 2016 CSA shares. This year, in addition to our Veggie-Apple combination share, we are also offering an Apple-only share – both of which you can sign-up for online.
The Veggie-Apple CSA share will provide a great mix of fresh seasonal vegetables, such as peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, herbs, and fresh greens in August; kale, cabbage, chard, garlic, tomatoes, herbs, winter squash, peppers, and potatoes in September; and fall greens, herbs, winter squash, pie pumpkins, and potatoes in October. All of these great veggies will be paired with a number of apple varieties as they ripen throughout the fall season. Click the button below to sign-up for either share, or click here for more information.
CSA Contact Form & Wait List Apple CSA Online Sign-Up

Our new Apple share is an easy way to get your weekly supply of apples, or as an add-on to one of our Veggie-Apple shares (for families wanting more apples each week). Just like our Veggie-Apple share, the apple varieties will change throughout the season as they’re harvested ripe out of the orchard. Click the button above to sign-up, or click here for more information.