Just think, this time last year our orchard was nearing full bloom! Of course, 2 weeks later we were getting frosts that wiped out nearly 100% of our apple crop for the year. This year we’re still waiting for warm, sunny spring weather to break out from the greenhouse to the rest of the farm. The snow was all but melted away over the past few days, only to have a couple more inches dropped on us last night. And that north wind is still blowing mighty cold! I for one am starting to lose hope in Punxsutawney Phil’s claim of an early spring this year. However, spring will certainly arrive soon enough (likely with summer not far behind) and we’ll all be looking forward to April Showers and May Flowers until it does.
Garden Log March 12th – March 18th:
- Pruned 500 apple trees (Honeygold, Grand Gala, Zestar!, Suncrisp, Winecrisp, Alkmene, Candy Crisp, Braestar)
- Harvested 2 tubs of spinach & micro lettuce greens
- Planted 10 flats of endive
- Planted 20 flats of lettuces
- Planted 2 rows of radishes
- Transplanted thyme from soil blocks to plug trays
- Weeded the hoophouse